Jen Galvin
Jen has worked with teens and youth as a mentor and educator, focusing on the arts, and social emotional learning skills since 2022. She holds a BA in Anthropology from Central Connecticut State University. She is a NC Certified Peer Support Specialist and is trained in WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) facilitation. She first learned about the peer support model after getting involved with family support groups and mental health educational training with the Western Massachusetts Recovery Learning Community to better support a loved one who was struggling with challenges related to mental health and trauma. She is a strong advocate of the Recovery Model for mental health and addiction which emphasizes hope, healing, education, and empowerment.
A passionate learner; Jen has over 10 years of continued studies in holistic wellness and herbalism, as well as continuing education in the fine arts. In 2024 she was awarded the James B Haggarty scholarship to participate in a year-long artist fellowship and mentorship program; the Canopy Program based in NYC.
Jen ha estado trabajando con adolescentes y jóvenes como mentora y educadora desde 2021. Tiene una licenciatura en Antropología de la Central Connecticut State University. Es una especialista certificada en NC Peer Support Specialist y está capacitada en la facilitación de WRAP (Plan de acción para la recuperación del bienestar). Se enteró por primera vez del modelo de Peer Support entre pares después de involucrarse con grupos de apoyo familiar y educación sobre salud mental con la Western Massachusetts Recovery Learning Community para apoyar a su familia. Es una firme defensora del Modelo de Recuperación para la salud mental y las adicciones, que enfatiza la esperanza, la curación, la educación y el empoderamiento.
Una estudiante apasionada; Jen tiene más de 10 años de estudios continuos en bienestar holístico y herbolaria, así como educación continua en arte. En 2024 recibió la beca James B Haggarty para participar en un programa de becas y tutoría para artistas de un año de duración; el Programa Canopy con sede en Nueva York.

Terence Johnson
Terence Johnson is a second year PhD student at the UNC School of Social Work and is interested in reducing racial disparities in the criminal justice system and the design of interventions to address the social and healthcare needs of justice-involved individuals. The criminal justice system has taken away years from his loved ones and he is passionate about creating a compassionate and equitable system.

Jamie Jacobs
Jamie Jacobs is currently serving as the Director of Operations and Programs at RSN. Jamie joined forces with Reintegration Support Network in June of 2018, providing leadership and organizational development coaching and consulting. In January, 2019, Jamie was invited to join the RSN staff as Director of Operations and Programs.
Jamie is an ICF accredited Mentor/Coach with a background in leadership and organizational development, program design and implementation. Jamie is also a person in long-term recovery and uses her coaching and peer support background in service to both individuals and groups on the recovery path.
Prior to joining the staff at RSN, Jamie served as the Program Director for Johnson Service Corps, a service year program for young adults committed to social-justice, community service, leadership development and vocational discernment. Before venturing into coaching, consulting and the nonprofit sector, Jamie had an extensive “first career” in retail management and corporate training.
Jamie is a passionate yogini and a devoted swimmer. She enjoys the outdoors and her idea of recreation is quiet time spent with close friends and family.

Lucy Battles
Lucy Battles joined the RSN team in 2020 and currently serves as the Mentor Program Manager. Since starting her journey of recovery in 2011, she has been busy advocating on both state and national levels. Lucy has worked in the mental health and recovery field since 2015, locally at UNC Horizons and UNC Behavioral Health ED, and nationally with the NY State Department of Health.